
Daily meals of a Japanese family 家常菜 한 일본 가정의 매일 식사





Pelmeni: Spread a thin layer of flour, place it in a pelmeni mold, and add the onion, garlic, and minced meat filling. If you put another layer on top and press it with a rolling pin, the skin will stick together and it will look like this. I had it with basil, tomato, and garlic sauce.

They actually use sour cream, but it's expensive and the taste isn't great, so I tried three different sauces. They are all delicious.


俄式水餃:鋪上一層薄薄的麵粉,放入水餃模具中,然後加入洋蔥、大蒜和肉末餡料。 如果你再在上面蓋上一層,然後用擀麵棍壓一下,皮就會黏在一起,看起來就像這樣。 我吃了羅勒、番茄和蒜醬。

他們實際上使用的是酸奶油,但是價格昂貴而且味道不太好,所以我嘗試了三種不同的醬汁。 它們都很美味。